Generate Manifest

This REST API is used to get manifest from shipping provider/aggregator against AWB Nos. Uniware in this POST request sends the AWB nos. whose manifest is required. The shipping provider in response sends the manifest in pdf format for each listed AWB. In case of shipping aggregators, they are required to provide shipping provider specific (bifurcated) manifests.


It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.




Complete integration flow is available on Basic Overview page.

Basic Information

Usage: Mandatory for shipping aggregators
Endpoint: /manifest
Request Type: POST
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (Content-Type): application/json
Header (Authorization): token (got from SP Authentication)

Request Payload


Request Payload Details

awbNumbers string Way bill numbers (inside quotes) Yes Eg.: “16090109”,“16090108”

Response 201:Success

Manifest in .pdf format will get generated for printing.


  • It is mandatory to send manifest in .pdf format.
  • It is mandatory to send success response code as 201.
[Unique generated manifest number/id"]
   "manifestDownloadUrl":"downloadable URL"[Downloadable URL which contains details of order shipping providers]

Response 400:

Manifest already generated for some AWBs, Please try again after removing them.

  "message": "Manifest already generated for some AWBs, Please try again after removing them",
   "alreadyManifestedAWBs": [

Response 40X:

Missing Fields or Invalid Data.

  "message": "Some invalid AWBs provided, Please try again after removing them",
   "invalidAWBs": [

Response Payload Details

status string Status of the API request Allowable: SUCCESS, FAILED
manifestNumber string Manifest Number Unique Manifest Reference Number
manifestDownloadUrl string If shipping provider provides own manifest, Manifest Print Path in .pdf format it must not be encrypted Eg. https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.1653544351.pdf
message string Definded failure error message e.g. Manifest already generated for some AWBs, Please try again after removing them. or Some invalid AWBs provided, Please try again after removing them

Error Codes

Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.


Q1. As two manifests can get generated - one from the SP and the other from UC. Which one is prioritised ideally?
Ans. It depends on the SP working design, either UC can fetch it or it can provide the SP with the manifest. It is based on shipping model type (Lastmile shipping or aggregator ) or the agreement with LSP whose manifest it has to carry.

Q2. Why PDF of manifest is getting fetched from SP, when seller on UC can perform the function and later, on its dispatch, it can notify the MP using Post Order Dispatch API?
Ans. It is an Optional API. If SP wants its own custom manifest to be handed over to LSP, then that can be prioritised.

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