Post Shipment Details
In cases where the marketplace requires the label generation at their end in their custom template, the Unicommerce posts the shipment data to such marketplaces. This also helps in verifying posted parameter values at their end. This REST API details the method in which the shipment data is communicated to the marketplace using the Unicommerce API.
- This API is used only when the orders are shipped by the marketplace.
- It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.
Complete integration flow is available on Basic Overview page.
Basic Information
Usage: | Optional |
Endpoint: | /orders/labels |
Request Type: | POST |
Scheme: | HTTPS |
Header (Content-Type): | application/json |
Header (apiKey): | accessToken (got from Get Authentication) |
Request Payload
"boxHeight": 0,
"boxLength": 0,
"boxWidth": 0,
"weight": 0,
"orderItems": [
"orderItemId": "string",
"invoiceNumber": "string",
"invoiceDate": "2017-01-02",
"taxRate": 0,
"centralGstPercentage": 6,
"compensationCessPercentage": 0,
"integratedGstPercentage": 12,
"stateGstPercentage": 6,
"unionTerritoryGstPercentage": 0
The orderItems array repeats itself n number of times in the case of multiple (n) quantities associated with that orderItemId.
Tax Applicability
VAT (taxPercentage) - Use for VAT system taxation countries.
GST - Goods and Services Tax (GST) has replaced VAT, CST and all other indirect taxes levied on goods and services by the central and state governments with Uniform Tax throughout the country to mark the evolution of a common national market
- SGST (stateGstPercentage) and CGST (centralGstPercentage): For intra-state transactions (supply of goods).
- IGST (integratedGstPercentage): For inter-state transactions.
- UTGST (unionTerritoryGstPercentage): For transactions in five union territories i.e. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep and Daman and Diu.
- Compensation Cess: Cess to compensate the loss of state’s revenue due to the implementation of GST.
Request Payload Details
1 | boxHeight | number | Packing box height | Yes | Unit: mm |
2 | boxLength | number | Packing box length | Yes | Unit: mm |
3 | boxWidth | number | Packing box width | Yes | Unit: mm |
4 | weight | number | Weight of the shipment | Yes | Unit: gm |
5 | orderItems | list | List of items in an order | - | - |
5.1 | orderItemId | string | Item ID | Yes | - |
5.2 | invoiceNumber | string | Invoice Number | Yes | Format: in case of channel generated invoice UCChannelName-ChannelInvoiceNumber e.g: ChannelXYZ-SI-22-23-1000345 and for UC generated invoice invoiceNumber e.g: SI-22-23-1000345 |
5.3 | invoiceDate | date | Date when invoice was generated on | Yes | Format: yyyy-MM-dd, Eg: 2017-01-02 |
5.4 | taxRate | number | VAT Tax percentage | Yes (if applicable) | - |
5.5 | centralGstPercentage | number | Central GST percentage | Yes (if applicable) | - |
5.6 | compensationCessPercentage | number | Compensation cess percentage | Yes (if applicable) | - |
5.7 | integratedGstPercentage | number | IGST percentage | Yes (if applicable) | - |
5.8 | stateGstPercentage | number | State GST percentage | Yes (if applicable) | - |
5.9 | unionTerritoryGstPercentage | number | UT GST percentage | Yes (if applicable) | - |
Response Payload
"status": "SUCCESS",
"orderItems": [
"orderItemId": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
Response Payload Details
1 | status | string | Send SUCCESS for acknowledgement | Yes | Allowable: SUCCESS, FAILED, PARTIAL_SUCCESS |
2 | orderItems | list | List of items in an order | - | - |
2.1 | orderItemId | string | Applicable if request is unsuccessful for few or all items | No | - |
2.2 | errorMessage | string | Reason of failure | No | - |
Error Codes
Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.
Q1. When the MP doesn’t have any courier but is directly picking orders from vendors, how does UC handle it?
Ans. UC will assign the courier.
Q2. If the invoice is generated from UC’s end, can we provide its details to the MP?
Ans. Yes, Post Shipment Details api can do this. If MP does not opt Get Invoice Details api then invoice will be generated from UC’s end. Here only UC invoice series will be pass against the param invoiceNumber
without Uniware Channel Code. e.g. UIN1000345. If MP opts the Get Invoice Details api then channel invoice series will be passed against the param invoiceNumber
appended with Uniware Channel Code, format will be UniwareChannelCode-InvoiceNumber e.g. ChanelXYZABC-CIN1000345.
Q3. If invoice is generated from UC side then can we provide the MP the pdf of this invoice?
Ans. No we cannot do this as per the present scenario.
Q4. When does the post-shipment details API get triggered?
Ans. It is triggered before the GET/Labels API during Order Processing from UC. It helps in verifying posted parameter values at their end.
Q5. If a MP does not generate any invoices of its own and instead relies on sellers to send it to the end customers, there can be a use case where customers require digital copy of the same. Is it possible for UC to attach the Invoice PDF directly or provide a link to download the same in Post Shipment Details API?
Ans. There is no provision for passing the PDF. We would rather continue with the standard format of passing the details as different line items instead. The MPs can however use this information to design a uniform Invoice at their end, as in this case, UC sellers will be having their own customised template anyways.