Waybill Updation

This Rest API could be used to update the details of the shipment once the Shipping provider is already allocated.


It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.


Complete integration flow is available on Basic Overview page.

Basic Information

Usage: Mandatory
Endpoint: /waybill/update
Request Type: POST
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (content-type) application/json
Header (Authorization): token (got from SP Authentication)

Request Payload (Forward Shipment)

  "Shipment": {
    "returnShipmentFlag": "false",
    "waybill": "String",
    "code": "String",
    "SaleOrderCode": "String",
    "orderCode": "String",
    "channelCode": "String",
    "channelName": "String",
    "orderDate": "16-Sep-2021 00:00:00",
    "weight": "53.4000",
    "length": "30",
    "height": "10",
    "breadth": "15",
    "numberOfBoxes": "1"
  "source": "unicommerce"

Request Payload (Reverse Shipment)

  "Shipment": {
    "returnShipmentFlag": "true",
    "waybill": "String",
    "code": "String",
    "SaleOrderCode": "String",
    "orderCode": "String",
    "channelCode": "String",
    "channelName": "String",
    "orderDate": "16-Sep-2021 00:00:00",
    "weight": "53.4000",
    "length": "30",
    "height": "10",
    "breadth": "15",
    "numberOfBoxes": "1"
  "source": "unicommerce"

Request Payload Details

1 Shipment list List of items in a shipment Yes -
1.1 returnShipmentFlag string true for reverse delivery Yes Allowable: “false” (Forward Delivery), “true” (Reverse Delivery)
1.2 waybill string Shipment tracking number (AWB number) Yes -
1.3 code string Uniware driven Shipment code/id or reference no. Yes it will be unique at seller’s UC warehouse level
1.4 SaleOrderCode string Channel driven Sale order code/id/No Yes it will be unique at channel level
1.5 orderCode string Channel driven Display sale order code/id/No Yes it can be duplicate at channel level
1.6 channelCode string Channel Source Code Opt. Channel source code that is created by UC backend team
1.7 channelName string Channel Name Opt. Channel name that is created by Seller
1.8 orderDate date Date of order Yes Format: dd-mmm-yyyy HH:mm:ss Eg: 16-Sep-2021 00:00:00
1.9 weight Float Unit: gm Yes Eg:53.4000, max value cannot have more than 6 digits and 4 decimal places
1.10 length string Unit: mm Yes Eg: 100
1.11 height string Unit: mm Yes Eg: 100
1.12 breadth string Unit: mm Yes Eg: 300
1.13 numberOfBoxes string child box count associated with one shipment, Default: 1 Yes This field is only passed in forward delivery ( not in reverse )
2 source string Integrator identity Opt. Hardcore value i.e, “unicommerce”

Response Payload

"status": "SUCCESS",
"waybill": "String",
"shippingLabel": "label url link",
"courierName": "String",
"routingCode": "String"  

Response Payload (Error)



It is mandatory to send the shipping label in .pdf format. It is anticipated from shipping provider to send a link to dowload pdf file in `shippingLabel’.

Response Payload Details

status string Status of the API request Allowable: SUCCESS, FAILED
waybill string Shipment tracking number -
shippingLabel string Path of the shipping label for .pdf format in Forward case only, If shipping provider provides shipping label. Eg. https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.1653544351.pdf
courierName string Name of shipping provider For shipping aggregator, pass LSP name here. Else, pass your shipper company name in case of Direct LSP
routingCode string Shipper pickup routing code -
reason string Reason of failure Categorisation of failure reason. E.g. WRONG INPUT, Address issue
message string Definded failure error message Case-1: Specific to non serviceable, the Message must be: “Delivery Pincode is not serviceable” Case-2: For any other Specific cases, you can pass the readable error message e.g. Wallet balance is low, Service is inactive

Error Codes

Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.

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