Shipment Created

This REST API is used to notify the Partner when the shipment has been created in Uniware.


  • The access token received in response is required in Header (Authorization) in all subsequent API requests.
  • It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.

Basic Information

BaseUrl: https://{PartnerBaseUrl}
Endpoint: /createShipment
Request Type: POST
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (Content-Type): application/json
Header (Authorization): token value(got from Authentication

Request Payload

  "saleOrderDTO": {
    "channel": "CUSTOM",
    "cod": false,
    "code": "NikitaTest02",
    "collectableAmount": 700.00,
    "collectedAmount": 150.00,
    "created": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "currencyCode": "INR",
    "customerGSTIN": null,
    "displayOrderCode": "NikitaTest02",
    "displayOrderDateTime": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "futureProcessingStartDate": "Jul 18, 2024 6:20:19 PM",
    "facilityCode": "MPCW01",
    "fulfillmentTat": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "status": "PROCESSING",
    "thirdPartyShipping": false,
    "updated": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "packageType": "flexible",
    "notificationEmail": "",
    "notificationMobile": "9999999999",
    "priority": 0,
    "shippingMethod": "Standard-Prepaid",
    "shippingMethodCode": "STD",
    "shippingPackageCode": "SHIP028382",
    "shippingPackageCreated": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "shippingPackageStatus": "CREATED",
    "shippingPackageUpdated": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "channelProcessingTime": "Jul 9, 2024 3:34:35 PM",
    "additionalInfo": "{\"checkoutId\":\"38027501011251\"}",
    "source": "SHOPIFY",
    "paymentInstrument": "WALLET",
    "paymentDetail": {
      "paymentMode": "Prepaid",
      "transactionId": null
    "SOCustomFieldValues": [
    "SPCustomFieldValues": [
    "items": [
        "cashOnDeliveryCharges": 0.00,
        "channelProductId": "10052348",
        "code": "10052348-01",
        "combinationDescription": null,
        "combinationIdentifier": null,
        "customFieldValues": [
        "discount": 200.00,
        "giftMessage": "",
        "giftWrap": false,
        "giftWrapCharges": 0.00,
        "itemName": "1015489COTTON, XS, LIGHT GREEN",
        "itemSku": "10052348",
        "onHold": false,
        "prepaidAmount": 100.00,
        "sellerSkuCode": "10052348",
        "sellingPrice": 800.00,
        "shippingCharges": 0.00,
        "shippingMethodCharges": 0.00,
        "storeCredit": 50.00,
        "taxPercentage": null,
        "totalPrice": 1000,
        "voucherCode": "FLAT400",
        "voucherValue": 0.00
    "addresses": [
        "addressLine1": "ABC",
        "addressLine2": "XYZ",
        "city": "Bangalore",
        "state": "Karnataka",
        "country": "India",
        "email": "",
        "name": "ABC",
        "phone": "9999999999",
        "pincode": "110020",
        "type": "Billing"
        "addressLine1": "ABC",
        "addressLine2": "XYZ",
        "city": "Bangalore",
        "state": "Karnataka",
        "country": "India",
        "email": "",
        "name": "ABC",
        "phone": "9999999999",
        "pincode": "110020",
        "type": "Shipping"

Request Payload Details

- saleOrderDTO object Details about a sale order Yes -
1 channel string Sales channel Yes -
2 cod Boolean true if COD,else False for Prepaid Yes -
3 code string Sale order code Yes -
4 collectableAmount Decimal Amount collectable for the order Yes -
5 collectedAmount Decimal Amount collected for the order Yes -
6 created Date Order creation timestamp Yes -
7 currencyCode string Currency code Yes -
8 customerGSTIN string Customer’s GSTIN Yes if avaialble, else Null
9 displayOrderCode string Display order code Yes -
10 displayOrderDateTime Date Display order creation timestamp Yes -
11 facilityCode string Facility code Yes -
12 fulfillmentTat Date Fulfillment turnaround time Yes -
13 status string Order status Yes PROCESSING
14 thirdPartyShipping Boolean True, shipping channel, else false Yes -
15 updated Date Timestamp of last update Yes -
16 packageType string Type of packaging Yes flexible, fixed
17 notificationEmail string Notification email address Yes -
18 notificationMobile string Notification mobile number Yes -
19 priority number Order priority Yes 0, 1, 2
20 shippingMethod string Shipping method Yes Standard-Prepaid or Standard-COD
21 shippingMethodCode string Shipping method code Yes STD, EXP, PKP, CHQ
22 shippingPackageCode string Shipping package code Yes -
23 shippingPackageCreated Date Timestamp of shipping package creation Yes -
24 shippingPackageStatus string Shipment status as CREATED Yes fixed “CREATED”
25 shippingPackageUpdated Date Timestamp of shipping package update Yes -
26 channelProcessingTime string Channel processing time Yes -
27 paymentInstrument string Payment instrument Yes -
28 paymentDetail object Payment details object Yes -
28.1 paymentMode string Payment mode Yes Prepaid
28.2 transactionId string Payment transaction ID Yes if avaialble, else Null
29 SOCustomFieldValues object Custom field values for sale order Yes -
30 SPCustomFieldValues object Custom field values for shipping package Yes -
31 items object item details array Yes -
31.1 cashOnDeliveryCharges Decimal Cash on delivery charges Yes -
31.2 channelProductId string Product ID in the channel Yes -
31.3 code string Item code Yes -
31.4 combinationDescription string Combination description Yes -
31.5 combinationIdentifier string Combination identifier Yes if avaialble, else Null
31.6 customFieldValues object Custom field values for the item Yes if avaialble, else Null
31.7 discount Decimal Discount amount Yes -
31.8 giftMessage string Gift message Yes -
31.9 giftWrap boolean Gift wrap details Yes -
31.10 giftWrapCharges Decimal Gift wrap charges Yes -
31.11 itemName string Item name Yes -
31.12 itemSku string Item SKU code Yes -
31.13 onHold Boolean On-hold status Yes -
31.14 prepaidAmount Decimal Prepaid amount Yes -
31.15 sellerSkuCode string Seller’s SKU code on channel Yes -
31.16 sellingPrice Decimal Selling price Yes -
31.17 shippingCharges Decimal Shipping charges Yes -
31.18 shippingMethodCharges Decimal Shipping method charges Yes -
31.19 storeCredit Decimal Store credit amount Yes -
31.20 taxPercentage Decimal Tax percentage Yes if avaialble, else Null
31.21 totalPrice Decimal Total price Yes -
31.22 voucherCode string Voucher code Yes -
31.23 voucherValue number Voucher value Yes if avaialble, else Null
32. addresses object Addresse details Yes -
32.1 addressLine1 string Address line 1 Yes -
32.2 addressLine2 string Address line 2 No -
32.3 city string City Yes -
32.4 country string Country Yes -
32.5 email string Email address Yes -
32.6 name string Name Yes -
32.7 phone string Phone number Yes -
32.8 pincode string Pincode Yes -
32.9 state string State Yes -
32.10 type string Address type Billing, Shipping Yes One details array for each
33 futureProcessingStartDate Date Display order creation timestamp Yes -
34 additionalInfo string additionalInfo Yes -
35 source string order creation source Yes -

Response Payload

    "status": "Success",
    "message": "Detail is updated successfully"    

Response Payload Details

1 status string Success after notification is acknowledged Yes Success/Failed
2 message string Readable response message Yes -

Error Codes

Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.


Q1. What would be that frequency of Notification push to partner?
Ans. Real-time or nearly real-time.

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