Post Order Dispatch
This REST API is used to notify the marketplace that the order has been dispatched from the warehouse. It is initiated once the order has been picked by the courier partner from warehouse.
It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.
Complete integration flow is available on Basic Overview page.
Basic Information
Usage: | Optional |
Endpoint: | /orders/dispatch |
Request Type: | POST |
Scheme: | HTTPS |
Header (Content-Type): | application/json |
Header (apiKey): | accessToken (got from Get Authentication) |
Request Payload
The details in
array shall be passed only if the shipping is done by seller itself and not by the marketplace.
"orderItems": [
"orderItemId": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"centralGstPercentage": 0,
"compensationCessPercentage": 0,
"integratedGstPercentage": 0,
"stateGstPercentage": 0,
"taxRate": 0,
"unionTerritoryGstPercentage": 0
"selfShipping": {
"deliveryPartner": "Shiprocket",
"deliveryCourier": "Bluedart",
"dispatchDate": "2017-01-22T08:12:53",
"invoiceDate": "2017-01-22",
"invoiceNumber": "SOI00930",
"tentativeDeliveryDate": "2017-01-30T08:12:53",
"trackingId": "string",
"trackingURL": "URL"
Request Payload Details
1 | orderItems | - | List of items in an order | - | - |
1.1 | orderItemId | string | Item ID | Yes | - |
1.2 | quantity | integer | Quantity of the item dispatched | Yes | - |
1.3 | taxPercentage | number | Tax percentage | As applied | - |
1.4 | centralGstPercentage | number | Central GST percentage | As applied | - |
1.5 | stateGstPercentage | number | State GST percentage | As applied | - |
1.6 | unionTerritoryGstPercentage | number | UT GST percentage | As applied | - |
1.7 | integratedGstPercentage | number | IGST percentage | As applied | - |
1.8 | compensationCessPercentage | number | Compensation cess percentage | As applied | - |
2 | selfShipping | - | Details of shipping provider | As applied | Pass by UC only in case of seller defined shipping i.g. if thirdPartyShipping= False in order API |
2.1 | deliveryPartner | string | Code of shipping service provider | As applied | - |
2.2 | deliveryCourier | string | Code of End shipping provider | As applied | - |
2.3 | dispatchDate | date | Date of Dispatch from UC | As applied | Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss+05:30 Eg: 2017-01-02T08:12:53+05:30 (for Indian time zone) |
2.4 | invoiceDate | date | Date of invoice from UC | As applied | Format: yyyy-MM-dd, Eg: 2017-01-22 |
2.5 | invoiceNumber | string | invoice No. generated, Eg: SOI00930 | As applied | Format: in case of channel generated invoice ChannelCode in UC-invoiceNumber e.g: ChannelXYZ-SI-22-23-1000345 and for UC generated invoice invoiceNumber e.g: SI-22-23-1000345 |
2.6 | tentativeDeliveryDate | date | tentative Delivery Date | As applied | Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss+05:30 Eg: 2017-01-02T08:12:53+05:30 (for Indian time zone) |
2.7 | trackingId | string | Way bill no. (shipment tracking no.) | As applied | Eg: 12BHDESKFASLK |
2.8 | trackingURL | string | Tracking URL | As applied | - |
Response Payload
"status": "SUCCESS",
"orderItems": [
"orderItemId": "47123",
"errorMessage": ""
"orderItemId": "47124",
"errorMessage": ""
Response Payload Details
1 | status | string | Status of the request | Yes | Allowable: SUCCESS, FAILED, PARTIAL_SUCCESS |
2 | orderItems | array | - | - | - |
2.1 | orderItemId | string | Order Item ID which is marked dispatched | No | - |
2.2 | errorMessage | string | Error message (if any otherwise blank) | No | - |
Error Codes
Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.
Q1. Is tracking ID same as AWB number?
Ans. Yes, it’s the same thing.
Q2. If the seller is using self shipping and the MP need not generate a label at their end, then how or through which API does UC send courier details?
Ans. We can use Post Order Dispatch API for this purpose. The details in “selfshipping” array in API