Get Products

This REST API is used to fetch live products from the marketplace to the Uniware. The product details such as product ID, variant ID and SKU code which are received in response are mapped to Uniware SKU code for order processing and also used while sending inventory update to marketplace.


  • It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.
  • In case there are no product variants, pass the product information in variant parameters also.




Complete integration flow is available on Basic Overview page.

Basic Information

Usage: Mandatory
Endpoint: /products
Request Type: GET
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (apiKey): accessToken (got from Get Authentication)

Sample URL


Query Parameters

pageNumber string Page (Number) Yes Default: 1
pageSize string Page Size Yes Fixed: 50
skus string SKU ID No -
publishedStatus string Posting Status Yes Allowable(Fixed): PUBLISHED

Response Payload

Following is the schema defined for the product resource in Unicommerce system. Which means this includes superset of all the fields and types that define a product for the Unicommerce. The partner is expected to follow this schema for each product information, to complete the transaction successfully.

  "products": [
      "id": "string",
      "parentTitle": "string",
      "brand": "string",
      "variants": [
          "imageUrl": "string",
          "productUrl": "string",
          "variantId": "string",
          "title": "string",
          "sku": "string",
          "size": "string",
          "color": "string",
          "live": false,
          "productDescription": "string",
          "itemPrice": {
            "currency": "string",
            "listingPrice": 0,
            "mrp": 0,
            "msp": 0,
            "netSellerPayable": 0
          "inventory": 0,
          "blockedInventory": 0,
          "pendency": 0
      "commissionPercentage": 0,
      "paymentGatewayCharge": 0,
      "logisticsCost": 0,
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "created": "2017-01-02T08:12:53"


Use product id id e.g. 9485928, varient id variantId e.g. 201-grey-XL and Seller SKU SKU e.g. TShirt-grey-XL fields as these will visible to seller for mapping purpose under listing tab in UC. Here SKU become “Seller SKU on Channel”: TShirt-grey-XL and combination of id&variantId become “Channel Product Id”: 9485928-201-grey-XL, (if id contain ’-’ CPI will be 9485-928|201-grey-XL).

Response Payload (Error)


Response Payload Details

1 products list List of products - -
1.1 id string Product-ID, Unique identifier of the product Yes Eg: 9485928 Note: Product-Id should not contain ”|” and length must be between 0 and 45
1.2 parentTitle string Title of the product Yes Eg: Cotton Double Bedsheet with 2 Pillow Covers (Blue)
1.3 brand string Brand of the product Yes Eg: Bombay Dyeing
1.4 variants list List of variants - If No variant, then add product data in variant parameters
1.4.1 imageUrl string Image URL of the variant No -
1.4.2 productUrl string Product URL of the variant No -
1.4.3 variantId string Unique ID of each variant. Yes Eg: 201-grey-XL and length must be between 0 and 45
1.4.4 title string Title of the variant. Yes Eg: Cotton Double Size Bedsheet with 2 Pillow Covers (Green)
1.4.5 sku string SKU code of the variant as per marketplace Yes Eg: 201-grey-XL and length must be between 0 and 45
1.4.6 size string Size of the variant Yes Format: LxBxH, Unit: mm, Eg: 60.00X40.00X2.00
1.4.7 color string Color of the variant No
1.4.8 live boolean Product availability on marketplace. true for product available on marketplace, false for non-sellable product Yes Default: true
1.4.9 productDescription string Short Description of the product No It is recommended not to use this field
1.4.10 itemPrice object Object defining item’s price - - currency string Currency code No Default: INR, Currency Codes listingPrice number - No - mrp number Max. retail price No - msp number Min. support price No - netSellerPayable number - No -
1.4.11 inventory number Available quantity No -
1.4.11 blockedInventory number if need to reserve the stock for variant on channel No It is recommended not to use this field since it affects the seller’s other channels stock calculation
1.4.11 pendency number - No -
1.5 commissionPercentage number - No -
1.6 paymentGatewayCharge number - No -
1.7 logisticsCost number - No -
1.8 additionalInfo string Any additional information No -
1.9 created string Created date of the product on Marketplace No -
E message string Error message Eg: Invalid User/Token No -

Error Codes

Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.


Q1. What will be the variant ID if I have a product which has both colour and size as variables?
Ans. Only the Params mentioned in the payload can pass according to the variant ID you define. It comes from the MP side.

Q2. If the MP defines variants by any third type of variant field other than colour or size, like tags, fabric, etc., then how will UC deal with it?
Ans. In generic case, the MP can add and define the new variant as a new product where SKU codes according to categories can be added and for any other cases, it can be done after checking with the internal team once.

Q3. In case of partial success cases, some products are parsed and displayed while in other cases the information isn’t there and the API halts, then what is the response code for the same?
Ans. No specific response code is there for partial success. It is either 200 OK, that is the full passed case or 400 in case of any error, that is the complete failure case.

Q4. Will we send responses as comma separated in variants array in case a product has more than one variant?
Ans. Yes, the response will be comma separated only.

Q5. What will be the response in case of error?
Ans. Error messages can be displayed as per the MPs’ use case. The response will be in format given below :
“message”:“validation error”,
“data”:“{”publishedStatus”:[”The published status field is required.”]}”

Q6. Can we send the same ID value for “id”, “variantId” and “SKU” fields?
Ans. No, these values need to be different. But if there is only one product then these can be sent the same.

Q7. If a MP doesn’t have any variant id and only has a SKU code then how is it handled in UC?
Ans. As these three fields (id,variantId,sku) are mandatory in UC so MP can simply pass the same product id at variant id value too.
“id”: “ProductId1”,

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