Get Inventory Snapshot

This REST API is used to get complete overview of inventory distribution of SKU(s) in the warehouse. This also provides inventory overview of SKU(s) based on time since last inventory update (not older than 24 hours).


It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.

Basic Information

Endpoint: /services/rest/v1/inventory/inventorySnapshot/get
Request Type: POST
Level: Facility
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (Content-Type): application/json
Header (Authorization): bearer {access-token}, Eg.: bearer b30f3aea-7978-49bb-9ea7-33eddfc80afa
Header (Facility): facility code as in Uniware (refer FAQs)

Request Payload


The user can get inventory details based on only itemTypeSKUs or only updatedSinceInMinutes or both. There is an SKU limit of up to 10,000 SKUs at itemTypeSKUs in a single API call, If this is breached, you will get an error stating the same.

   "updatedSinceInMinutes": 480

Request Payload Details

itemTypeSKUs list SKU code(s) No comma separated, Refer Note above for usage criteria
updatedSinceInMinutes integer Minutes since last update of inventory No Max.: 1440 minutes (24 Hours), Refer Note above for usage criteria

Response Payload

   "successful": true,
   "message": "string",
   "errors": [
         "code": 0,
         "fieldName": "string",
         "description": "string",
         "message": "string",
         "errorParams": {
            "additionalProp1": {},
            "additionalProp2": {},
            "additionalProp3": {}
   "warnings": [
         "code": 0,
         "message": "string",
         "description": "string"
   "inventorySnapshots": [
         "itemTypeSKU": "string",
         "inventory": 0,
         "openSale": 0,
         "openPurchase": 0,
         "putawayPending": 0,
         "inventoryBlocked": 0,
         "pendingStockTransfer": 0,
         "vendorInventory": 0,
         "virtualInventory": 0,
         "pendingInventoryAssessment": 0

Response Payload Details

1 successful true Request success status -
2 message string Response message -
3 errors list List of errors (if any) -
3.1 code number Error code -
3.2 fieldName string Field with error -
3.3 description string Error description -
3.4 message string Error message -
3.5 errorParams object Parameters with error -
3.5.1 additionalProp1 object Parameter 1 with error -
3.5.2 additionalProp2 object Parameter 2 with error -
3.5.3 additionalProp3 object Parameter 3 with error -
4 warnings list List of warnings (if any) -
4.1 code number Warning code -
4.2 message string Warning message -
4.3 description string Warning description -
5 inventorySnapshots list SKU Inventory details -
5.1 itemTypeSKU string Item SKU code -
5.2 inventory integer Available quantity -
5.3 openSale integer Quantity on sale -
5.4 openPurchase integer - -
5.5 putawayPending integer Quantity on put-away shelves -
5.6 inventoryBlocked integer Blocked inventory -
5.7 pendingStockTransfer integer Quantity pending for stock transfer -
5.8 vendorInventory integer Inventory at vendor location -
5.9 virtualInventory integer - -
5.10 pendingInventoryAssessment integer Inventory yet to be assessed -
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