Get Shipping Package Details

This REST API is used to fetch shipping package details such as order items, billing address, etc. from Uniware using shipping package code.


It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.

Basic Information

Endpoint: /services/rest/v1/oms/shippingPackage/getShippingPackageDetails
Request Type: POST
Level: Facility
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (Content-Type): application/json
Header (Authorization): bearer {access-token}, Eg.: bearer b30f3aea-7978-49bb-9ea7-33eddfc80afa
Header (Facility): facility code as in Uniware (refer FAQs)

Request Payload

   "shippingPackageCode": "string"

Request Payload Details

shippingPackageCode string Shipping package code Yes -

Response Payload

   "successful": true,
   "message": "string",
   "errors": [
         "code": 0,
         "fieldName": "string",
         "description": "string",
         "message": "string",
         "errorParams": {
            "additionalProp1": {},
            "additionalProp2": {},
            "additionalProp3": {}
   "warnings": [
         "code": 0,
         "message": "string",
         "description": "string"
   "shippingPackageDetailDTO": {
      "code": "string",
      "saleOrderCode": "string",
      "statusCode": "string",
      "shippingManifestCode": "string",
      "saleOrderDetails": {
         "code": "string",
         "displayOrderCode": "string",
         "channel": "string",
         "source": "CUSTOM",
         "displayOrderDateTime": "1694029127000",
         "status": "string",
         "created": "1694029206000",
         "updated": "1694029211000",
         "fulfillmentTat": 1694202006000,
         "notificationEmail": "string",
         "notificationMobile": "string",
         "customerGSTIN": null,
         "channelProcessingTime": 1694029206000,
         "cod": true,
         "priority": 0,
         "currencyCode": "string",
         "customerCode": "string",
         "billingAddress": {
            "id": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "addressLine1": "string",
            "addressLine2": "string",
            "city": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "country": "string",
            "pincode": "string",
            "phone": "string",
            "email": "string"
         "addresses": [
               "id": "string",
               "name": "string",
               "addressLine1": "string",
               "addressLine2": "string",
               "city": "string",
               "state": "string",
               "country": "string",
               "pincode": "string",
               "phone": "string",
               "email": "string"
         "customFieldValues": [
               "fieldName": "string",
               "fieldValue": {},
               "valueType": "string",
               "displayName": "string",
               "required": true,
               "possibleValues": [
      "saleOrderItems": [
      "id": 1380972,
      "shippingPackageCode": "DSKS00002",
      "shippingPackageStatus": "PACKED",
      "facilityCode": "Shiv",
      "facilityName": "Shiv",
      "alternateFacilityCode": null,
      "reversePickupCode": null,
      "shippingAddressId": 7143,
      "packetNumber": 1,
      "combinationIdentifier": null,
      "combinationDescription": null,
      "type": "NORMAL",
      "item": null,
      "shippingMethodCode": "STD",
      "itemName": "Test2",
      "itemSku": "TESTB",
      "sellerSkuCode": "TESTB",
      "channelProductId": "TESTB",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "statusCode": "FULFILLABLE",
      "code": "TESTB-0",
      "shelfCode": null,
      "totalPrice": 999.00,
      "sellingPrice": 999.00,
      "shippingCharges": 0.00,
      "shippingMethodCharges": 0.00,
      "cashOnDeliveryCharges": 0.00,
      "prepaidAmount": 0.00,
      "voucherCode": null,
      "voucherValue": 0.00,
      "storeCredit": 0.00,
      "discount": 0.00,
      "giftWrap": null,
      "giftWrapCharges": 0.00,
      "taxPercentage": null,
      "giftMessage": null,
      "cancellable": true,
      "editAddress": false,
      "reversePickable": false,
      "packetConfigurable": false,
      "created": 1694029206000,
      "updated": 1694029302000,
      "onHold": false,
      "saleOrderItemAlternateId": null,
      "cancellationReason": null,
      "cancelledBySeller": null,
      "pageUrl": null,
      "color": null,
      "brand": null,
      "size": null,
      "replacementSaleOrderCode": null,
      "bundleSkuCode": null,
      "customFieldValues": null,
      "itemDetailFieldDTOList": [
      "hsnCode": "",
      "totalIntegratedGst": 0,
      "integratedGstPercentage": 0,
      "totalUnionTerritoryGst": 0,
      "unionTerritoryGstPercentage": 0,
      "totalStateGst": 0,
      "stateGstPercentage": 0,
      "totalCentralGst": 0,
      "centralGstPercentage": 0,
      "maxRetailPrice": 999.00,
      "sellingPriceWithoutTaxesAndDiscount": 0,
      "batchDTO": null,
      "shippingChargeTaxPercentage": 0,
      "tcs": 0,
      "ucBatchCode": null,
      "channelMrp": null,
      "channelExpiryDate": null,
      "channelVendorBatchNumber": null,
      "channelMfd": null,
      "countryOfOrigin": null,
      "expectedDeliveryDate": null,
      "itemDetailFields": {
        "itemSealId": "124"
      "channelSaleOrderItemCode": "TESTB-0",
      "effectiveTolerance": null
      "id": 1380973,
      "shippingPackageCode": "DSKS00002",
      "shippingPackageStatus": "PACKED",
      "facilityCode": "Shiv",
      "facilityName": "Shiv",
      "alternateFacilityCode": null,
      "reversePickupCode": null,
      "shippingAddressId": 7143,
      "packetNumber": 1,
      "combinationIdentifier": null,
      "combinationDescription": null,
      "type": "NORMAL",
      "item": null,
      "shippingMethodCode": "STD",
      "itemName": "Test2",
      "itemSku": "TESTB",
      "sellerSkuCode": "TESTB",
      "channelProductId": "TESTB",
      "imageUrl": null,
      "statusCode": "FULFILLABLE",
      "code": "TESTB-1",
      "shelfCode": null,
      "totalPrice": 999.00,
      "sellingPrice": 999.00,
      "shippingCharges": 0.00,
      "shippingMethodCharges": 0.00,
      "cashOnDeliveryCharges": 0.00,
      "prepaidAmount": 0.00,
      "voucherCode": null,
      "voucherValue": 0.00,
      "storeCredit": 0.00,
      "discount": 0.00,
      "giftWrap": null,
      "giftWrapCharges": 0.00,
      "taxPercentage": null,
      "giftMessage": null,
      "cancellable": true,
      "editAddress": false,
      "reversePickable": false,
      "packetConfigurable": false,
      "created": 1694029206000,
      "updated": 1694029302000,
      "onHold": false,
      "saleOrderItemAlternateId": null,
      "cancellationReason": null,
      "cancelledBySeller": null,
      "pageUrl": null,
      "color": null,
      "brand": null,
      "size": null,
      "replacementSaleOrderCode": null,
      "bundleSkuCode": null,
      "customFieldValues": null,
      "itemDetailFieldDTOList": [
      "hsnCode": "",
      "totalIntegratedGst": 0,
      "integratedGstPercentage": 0,
      "totalUnionTerritoryGst": 0,
      "unionTerritoryGstPercentage": 0,
      "totalStateGst": 0,
      "stateGstPercentage": 0,
      "totalCentralGst": 0,
      "centralGstPercentage": 0,
      "maxRetailPrice": 999.00,
      "sellingPriceWithoutTaxesAndDiscount": 0,
      "batchDTO": null,
      "shippingChargeTaxPercentage": 0,
      "tcs": 0,
      "ucBatchCode": null,
      "channelMrp": null,
      "channelExpiryDate": null,
      "channelVendorBatchNumber": null,
      "channelMfd": null,
      "countryOfOrigin": null,
      "expectedDeliveryDate": null,
      "itemDetailFields": {
              "itemSealId": "125",
              "SerialNumber": "2dd2d2",
              "Imei": "2dd2d2"
      "itemDetailsKey": "itemSealId,SerialNumber,Imei",
      "channelSaleOrderItemCode": "TESTB-1",
      "effectiveTolerance": null
    "actualWeight": 3.000,
    "boxWidth": 0,
    "boxHeight": 0,
    "boxLength": 0,
    "collectableAmount": 2997.00,
    "collectedAmount": null,
    "shippingProvider": null,
    "trackingNumber": null,
    "trackingLink": "abc",
    "ewbNo": null,
    "ewbDate": null,
    "ewbValidTill": null,

Response Payload Details

1 successful true Request success status -
2 message string Response message -
3 errors list List of errors (if any) -
3.1 code number Error code -
3.2 fieldName string Field with error -
3.3 description string Error description -
3.4 message string Error message -
3.5 errorParams object Parameters with error -
3.5.1 additionalProp1 object Parameter 1 with error -
3.5.2 additionalProp2 object Parameter 2 with error -
3.5.3 additionalProp3 object Parameter 3 with error -
4 warnings list List of warnings (if any) -
4.1 code number Warning code -
4.2 message string Warning message -
4.3 description string Warning description -
5 shippingPackageDetailDTO object Shipping package details -
5.1 code string Shipping package code -
5.2 saleOrderCode string Sale order code -
5.3 statusCode string Shipping package status code -
5.4 shippingManifestCode string Shipping manifest code -
5.5 saleOrderDetails object Sale order details -
5.5.1 code string Sale order code -
5.5.2 displayOrderCode string Order code to be displayed -
5.5.3 channel string - -
5.5.4 displayOrderDateTime date Order date -
5.5.5 status string Sale order status -
5.5.6 created date Creation date -
5.5.7 updated date Updation date -
5.5.8 notificationEmail string Email for notifications -
5.5.9 notificationMobile string Mobile for notifications -
5.5.10 cod boolean true if COD -
5.5.11 priority integer Order fullfillment priority -
5.5.12 currencyCode string Currency codes (3 digit) -
5.5.13 customerCode string Customer code -
5.5.14 billingAddress object Billing address information - id string Billing address ID - name string Name of buyer - addressLine1 string Precise address - addressLine2 string Additional address information - city string City name Eg: Surat state string State name Eg: Gujrat country string Country name - pincode string Area pincode (min. 6 digits) Eg: 395006 phone string Contact no. - email string Email ID case insensitive
5.5.15 addresses object Address information - id string Address ID - name string Name - addressLine1 string Precise address - addressLine2 string Additional address information - city string City name Eg: Surat state string State name Eg: Gujrat country string Country name - pincode string Area pincode (min. 6 digits) Eg: 395006 phone string Contact no. - email string Email ID case insensitive
5.5.16 customFieldValues list Custom field details - fieldName string Field with error - fieldValue list Custom field value - valueType string Value type - displayName string Name to be displayed - required boolean true if required - possibleValues list Allowable values -
5.5.17 source string channel source code -
5.5.18 fulfillmentTat date fulfillment Tat e.g. 1694202006000
5.5.19 customerGSTIN string customerGSTIN -
5.5.20 channelProcessingTime date fulfillment Tat e.g. 1694029206000
5.6 saleOrderItems list Details of items in sale order -
5.6.1 id string - -
5.6.2 shippingPackageCode string - -
5.6.3 shippingPackageStatus string - -
5.6.4 facilityCode string - -
5.6.5 facilityName string - -
5.6.6 alternateFacilityCode string - -
5.6.7 reversePickupCode string - -
5.6.8 shippingAddressId string - -
5.6.9 packetNumber string - -
5.6.10 combinationIdentifier string - -
5.6.11 combinationDescription string - -
5.6.12 type string - -
5.6.13 item string Barcode of item in sale order -
5.6.14 shippingMethodCode string - -
5.6.15 itemName string Item name -
5.6.16 itemSku string Item SKU -
5.6.17 sellerSkuCode string sellerSkuCode -
5.6.18 channelProductId string channelProductId -
5.6.19 imageUrl string URL -
5.6.20 statusCode string Sale order item status code -
5.6.21 code string Sale order item code -
5.6.22 shelfCode string Shelf code for item -
5.6.23 totalPrice number Total price -
5.6.24 sellingPrice number Selling Price -
5.6.25 shippingCharges number Shipping Charges -
5.6.26 shippingMethodCharges number Shipping Method Charges -
5.6.27 cashOnDeliveryCharges number CashOnDelivery Charges -
5.6.28 prepaidAmount number Prepaid Amount -
5.6.29 voucherCode number VoucherCode -
5.6.30 voucherValue number VoucherValue -
5.6.31 storeCredit number StoreCredit -
5.6.32 discount number Discount -
5.6.33 giftWrap boolean true for gift wrap -
5.6.34 giftWrapCharges number GiftWrap Charges -
5.6.35 taxPercentage number Tax Percentage -
5.6.36 giftMessage string Message on gift -
5.6.37 cancellable boolean true if cancellable -
5.6.38 editAddress boolean editAddress -
5.6.39 reversePickable boolean reversePickable -
5.6.40 packetConfigurable boolean packetConfigurable -
5.6.41 created Date created -
5.6.42 updated Date updated -
5.6.43 onHold boolean true if onHold -
5.6.44 saleOrderItemAlternateId string saleOrderItemAlternateId -
5.6.45 cancellationReason string cancellationReason -
5.6.46 cancelledBySeller string cancelledBySeller -
5.6.47 pageUrl string pageUrl -
5.6.48 color string color -
5.6.49 brand string brand -
5.6.50 size string size -
5.6.51 replacementSaleOrderCode string replacementSaleOrderCode -
5.6.52 bundleSkuCode string bundleSkuCode -
5.6.53 itemDetailFieldDTOList list itemDetailFieldDTOList -
5.6.54 hsnCode string hsnCode -
5.6.55 totalIntegratedGst number totalIntegratedGst -
5.6.56 integratedGstPercentage number integratedGstPercentage -
5.6.57 totalUnionTerritoryGst number totalUnionTerritoryGst -
5.6.58 unionTerritoryGstPercentage number unionTerritoryGstPercentage -
5.6.59 totalStateGst number totalStateGst -
5.6.60 stateGstPercentage number stateGstPercentage -
5.6.61 totalCentralGst number totalCentralGst -
5.6.62 centralGstPercentage number centralGstPercentage -
5.6.63 maxRetailPrice number maxRetailPrice -
5.6.64 sellingPriceWithoutTaxesAndDiscount number sellingPriceWithoutTaxesAndDiscount -
5.6.65 batchDTO list batchDTO -
5.6.66 shippingChargeTaxPercentage number shippingChargeTaxPercentage -
5.6.67 tcs number tcs -
5.6.68 ucBatchCode string ucBatchCode -
5.6.69 channelMrp number channelMrp -
5.6.70 channelExpiryDate Date channelExpiryDate -
5.6.71 channelVendorBatchNumber string channelVendorBatchNumber -
5.6.72 channelMfd Date channelMfd -
5.6.73 countryOfOrigin string countryOfOrigin -
5.6.74 expectedDeliveryDate Date expectedDeliveryDate -
5.6.75 channelSaleOrderItemCode string channelSaleOrderItemCode -
5.6.76 effectiveTolerance string effectiveTolerance -
5.6.77 customFieldValues list Custom field details - fieldName string Field with error - fieldValue list Custom field value - valueType string Value type - displayName string Name to be displayed - required boolean true if required - possibleValues list Allowable values -
5.6.78 itemDetailFields List - - itemSealId string item Seal Id - SerialNumber string SerialNumber - Imei string Imei -
5.6.79 itemDetailsKey string comma seperated nudge e.g. itemSealId,SerialNumber,Imei -
5.7 boxWidth integer boxWidth values -
5.8 boxHeight integer boxHeight values -
5.9 boxLength integer boxLength values -
5.10 collectableAmount float collectableAmount values -
5.11 collectedAmount float collectedAmount values -
5.12 shippingProvider string shippingProvider -
5.13 trackingNumber string trackingNumber -
5.14 trackingLink string Tracking Link -
5.15 ewbNo string ewbNo -
5.16 ewbDate Date ewbDate -
5.17 ewbValidTill Date ewbValidTill -

Error Codes

Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.

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