Get Nearby Store Inventory

This REST API is used to get complete overview of proximity based inventory distribution at warehouses or stores for a given SKU code.


It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.

Basic Information

Endpoint: /services/rest/v1/oms/nearbyInventory/get
Request Type: POST
Level: Tenant
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (Content-Type): application/json
Header (Authorization): bearer {access-token}, Eg.: bearer b30f3aea-7978-49bb-9ea7-33eddfc80afa

Request Payload


By this API, The store user can get proximity based inventory at nearby stores. There is search radius limit, by default currently it is set as 100km. If this is breached, you will get an error stating the same in API call.

  "customerPincode": "110020",
  "facilitySearchRadius": 50,
  "facilityOperationalType": "WAREHOUSE",
  "facilityStatus": "ENABLED",
  "itemType": {
    "skuCode": "sj1",
    "quantity": 1

Request Payload Details

customerPincode String any pincode for which user wants the nearest facilities in output Yes
facilitySearchRadius String distance across pincode around which facilities to be searched upon Yes By default currently it is set upto 100km
facilityOperationalType String facility’s Operational Type Yes
facilityStatus String facility’s status, enums : ALL/ENABLED/DISABLED Yes
itemType List uniware SKU details Yes
skuCode String uniware SKU code Yes
quantity Integer qty of given SKU Yes

Response Payload

   "successful": true,
   "message": "string",
   "errors": [
         "code": 0,
         "fieldName": "string",
         "description": "string",
         "message": "string",
         "errorParams": {
            "additionalProp1": {},
            "additionalProp2": {},
            "additionalProp3": {}
   "warnings": [
         "code": 0,
         "message": "string",
         "description": "string"
   "facilityWiseNearbyInventorySnapshotDTOList": [
    "code": "mWH",
    "name": "mWH",
    "displayName": "Maison Test",
    "operationalType": "WAREHOUSE",
    "type": "WAREHOUSE",
    "facilityIsEnabled": true,
    "facilityPincode": "110019",
    "customerPincode": "110020",
    "distanceToCustomerPincode": 1.997,
    "facilitySlotDisplayName": null,
    "facilitySlotStartTime": null,
    "facilitySlotEndTime": null,
    "inventorySnapshot": {
      "itemTypeSKU": "sj1",
      "inventory": 617,
      "virtualInventory": 0
    "code": "1352",
    "name": "Ochre and Black Private Limited",
    "displayName": "AND Ambience Mall Gurgaon",
    "operationalType": "WAREHOUSE",
    "type": "WAREHOUSE",
    "facilityIsEnabled": true,
    "facilityPincode": "122002",
    "customerPincode": "110020",
    "distanceToCustomerPincode": 17.175,
    "facilitySlotDisplayName": null,
    "facilitySlotStartTime": null,
    "facilitySlotEndTime": null,
    "inventorySnapshot": {
      "itemTypeSKU": "sj1",
      "inventory": 990,
      "virtualInventory": 0
    "code": "TEST_FACILITY",
    "name": "FACILITY_001",
    "displayName": "TEST_FACILITY",
    "operationalType": "WAREHOUSE",
    "type": "WAREHOUSE",
    "facilityIsEnabled": true,
    "facilityPincode": "11564",
    "customerPincode": "110020",
    "distanceToCustomerPincode": 24.032,
    "facilitySlotDisplayName": null,
    "facilitySlotStartTime": null,
    "facilitySlotEndTime": null,
    "inventorySnapshot": {
      "itemTypeSKU": "sj1",
      "inventory": 99,
      "virtualInventory": 0
    "code": "ververnnit",
    "name": "vernit",
    "displayName": "vernit Middle East",
    "operationalType": "WAREHOUSE",
    "type": "WAREHOUSE",
    "facilityIsEnabled": true,
    "facilityPincode": "11564",
    "customerPincode": "110020",
    "distanceToCustomerPincode": 24.032,
    "facilitySlotDisplayName": null,
    "facilitySlotStartTime": null,
    "facilitySlotEndTime": null,
    "inventorySnapshot": {
      "itemTypeSKU": "sj1",
      "inventory": 416,
      "virtualInventory": 0

Response Payload Details

1 successful true Request success status -
2 message string Response message -
3 errors list List of errors (if any) -
3.1 code number Error code -
3.2 fieldName string Field with error -
3.3 description string Error description -
3.4 message string Error message -
3.5 errorParams object Parameters with error -
3.5.1 additionalProp1 object Parameter 1 with error -
3.5.2 additionalProp2 object Parameter 2 with error -
3.5.3 additionalProp3 object Parameter 3 with error -
4 warnings list List of warnings (if any) -
4.1 code number Warning code -
4.2 message string Warning message -
4.3 description string Warning description -
5 facilityWiseNearbyInventorySnapshotDTOList list facility wise Nearby inventory snapshot for given SKU Inventory details -
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