Close Shipping Manifest
This REST API is used to close shipping manifest in Uniware using shipping manifest code. The shipping manifest is closed after all the shipments have been added and the shipments are handed over to the shipping provider for delivery to customer.
It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.
Basic Information
Endpoint: | /services/rest/v1/oms/shippingManifest/close |
Request Type: | POST |
Level: | Tenant |
Scheme: | HTTPS |
Header (Content-Type): | application/json |
Header (Authorization): | bearer {access-token}, Eg.: bearer b30f3aea-7978-49bb-9ea7-33eddfc80afa |
Request Payload
"shippingManifestCode": "string"
Request Payload Details
shippingManifestCode | string | Shipping manifest code | Yes | - |
Response Payload
"successful": true,
"message": "string",
"errors": [
"code": 0,
"fieldName": "string",
"description": "string",
"message": "string",
"errorParams": {
"additionalProp1": {},
"additionalProp2": {},
"additionalProp3": {}
"warnings": [
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"description": "string"
"shippingManifestCode": "string",
"shippingManifestStatus": {
"mileStoneCount": 0,
"currentMileStone": 0,
"currentStatus": "string",
"completed": true,
"successful": true,
"percentageComplete": 0,
"id": "string",
"shippingManifestCode": "string",
"shippingManifestLink": "string",
"failedShippingPackages": [
"code": "string",
"saleOrderCode": "string",
"failureReason": "string",
"cancelled": true
"failedShipmentsBatchCode": "string",
"created": "2020-06-15T13:39:05.629Z",
"updated": "2020-06-15T13:39:05.629Z"
Response Payload Details
1 | successful | true | Request success status | - |
2 | message | string | Response message | - |
3 | errors | list | List of errors (if any) | - |
3.1 | code | number | Error code | - |
3.2 | fieldName | string | Field with error | - |
3.3 | description | string | Error description | - |
3.4 | message | string | Error message | - |
3.5 | errorParams | object | Parameters with error | - |
3.5.1 | additionalProp1 | object | Parameter 1 with error | - |
3.5.2 | additionalProp2 | object | Parameter 2 with error | - |
3.5.3 | additionalProp3 | object | Parameter 3 with error | - |
4 | warnings | list | List of warnings (if any) | - |
4.1 | code | number | Warning code | - |
4.2 | message | string | Warning message | - |
4.3 | description | string | Warning description | - |
5 | shippingManifestCode | string | Shipping manifest code | - |
6 | shippingManifestStatus | object | - | - |
6.1 | mileStoneCount | number | - | - |
6.2 | currentMileStone | number | - | - |
6.3 | currentStatus | string | - | - |
6.4 | completed | boolean | true if completed | - |
6.5 | successful | boolean | true if successful | - |
6.6 | percentageComplete | number | - | - |
6.7 | id | string | - | - |
6.8 | shippingManifestCode | string | Shipping manifest code | - |
6.9 | shippingManifestLink | string | Shipping manifest link | - |
6.10 | failedShippingPackages | object | List of failed shipping packages | - |
6.10.1 | code | string | - | - |
6.10.2 | saleOrderCode | string | Sale order code of shipping package failed | - |
6.10.3 | failureReason | string | Reason for failure of shipping package | - |
6.10.4 | cancelled | boolean | true if cancelled | - |
6.11 | failedShipmentsBatchCode | string | Batch code of failed shipment | - |
6.12 | created | date | Shipment creation date | - |
6.13 | updated | date | Shipment last updated date | - |
Error Codes
Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.