Get Invoice Details

This REST API is used to fetch invoice details from Uniware using shipping package code.


It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.

Basic Information

Endpoint: /services/rest/v1/invoice/details/get
Request Type: POST
Level: Tenant
Scheme: HTTPS
Header (Content-Type): application/json
Header (Authorization): bearer {access-token}, Eg.: bearer b30f3aea-7978-49bb-9ea7-33eddfc80afa
Header (Facility): facility code as in Uniware (refer FAQs)

Request Payload

   "shippingPackageCode": "string",
   "return": true,
   "paymentDetailRequired": true

Request Payload Details

1 shippingPackageCode string Shipping package code Yes -
2 return boolean true if return No -
3 paymentDetailRequired boolean true - if payment transaction detail required No -

Response Payload

  "successful": true,
  "message": "string",
  "errors": [
      "code": 0,
      "fieldName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "errorParams": {
        "additionalProp1": {
        "additionalProp2": {
        "additionalProp3": {
  "warnings": [
      "code": 0,
      "message": "string",
      "description": "string"
  "invoice": {
    "code": "string",
    "displayCode": "string",
    "shippingPackageCode": "string",
    "reversePickupCode": "string",
    "totalQuantity": 0,
    "paymentMode": "string",
    "sellingPrice": 0,
    "subtotal": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "vat": 0,
    "cst": 0,
    "integratedGst": 0,
    "unionTerritoryGst": 0,
    "stateGst": 0,
    "centralGst": 0,
    "compensationCess": 0,
    "additionalTax": 0,
    "prepaidAmount": 0,
    "storeCredit": 0,
    "discount": 0,
    "shippingCharges": 0,
    "shippingMethodCharges": 0,
    "cashOnDeliveryCharges": 0,
    "giftWrapCharges": 0,
    "channelCreated": "2020-07-17T09:36:53.662Z",
    "created": "2020-07-17T09:36:53.662Z",
    "invoiceItems": [
        "itemSku": "string",
        "channelSku": "string",
        "sellerSku": "string",
        "quantity": 0,
        "unitPrice": 0,
        "sellingPrice": 0,
        "shippingCharges": 0,
        "shippingMethodCharges": 0,
        "cashOnDeliveryCharges": 0,
        "giftWrapCharges": 0,
        "prepaidAmount": 0,
        "voucherValue": 0,
        "storeCredit": 0,
        "subtotal": 0,
        "total": 0,
        "discount": 0,
        "vat": 0,
        "cst": 0,
        "integratedGst": 0,
        "unionTerritoryGst": 0,
        "stateGst": 0,
        "centralGst": 0,
        "compensationCess": 0,
        "additionalTax": 0,
        "totalTax": 0,
        "taxPercentage": 0,
        "vatPercentage": 0,
        "cstPercentage": 0,
        "integratedGstPercentage": 0,
        "unionTerritoryGstPercentage": 0,
        "stateGstPercentage": 0,
        "centralGstPercentage": 0,
        "compensationCessPercentage": 0,
        "additionalTaxPercentage": 0
    "return": true,
    "paymentDetail": {
      "paymentMode": null,
      "transactionId": null,
      "amountPaid": 1000.00
    "tcsAmount": 0.0000,
    "gstEInvoiceDTO": null,
    "ewbNo": null,
    "ewbDate": null,
    "ewbValidTill": null,
    "gstNumber": "",
    "invoiceLink": null,
    "irn ": "string",
    "ack_no": "string",
    "ack_date": "string",
    "encodedInvoice": "string",
    "saleOrderMetadata": [

Response Payload Details

1 successful true Request success status -
2 message string Response message -
3 errors list List of errors (if any) -
3.1 code number Error code -
3.2 fieldName string Field with error -
3.3 description string Error description -
3.4 message string Error message -
3.5 errorParams object Parameters with error -
3.5.1 additionalProp1 object Parameter 1 with error -
3.5.2 additionalProp2 object Parameter 2 with error -
3.5.3 additionalProp3 object Parameter 3 with error -
4 warnings list List of warnings (if any) -
4.1 code number Warning code -
4.2 message string Warning message -
4.3 description string Warning description -
5 invoice object Invoice resource details -
5.1 code string Code -
5.2 displayCode string Display code -
5.3 shippingPackageCode string Shipping package code -
5.4 reversePickupCode string Reverse pick-up code -
5.5 totalQuantity integer Total quantity -
5.6 paymentMode string Mode of payment COD, PREPAID
5.7 sellingPrice number Selling price -
5.8 subtotal number Sub-total -
5.9 total number Total amount -
5.10 vat number Value Added Tax -
5.11 cst number Central Sales Tax -
5.12 integratedGst integer Integrated GST -
5.13 unionTerritoryGst integer UT GST -
5.14 stateGst number State GST Default: 0
5.15 centralGst integer Central GST -
5.16 compensationCess integer Compensation cess -
5.17 additionalTax number Additional tax (if any) -
5.18 prepaidAmount number Amount paid while ordering -
5.19 storeCredit number Store credit -
5.20 discount number Discount amount -
5.21 shippingCharges number Shipping charges -
5.22 shippingMethodCharges number Shipping charges -
5.23 cashOnDeliveryCharges number COD charges -
5.24 giftWrapCharges number Extra charges for the wrap -
5.25 channelCreated string Channel creation date-time Eg.: 2020-07-11T06:39:57.490Z (UTC Format)
5.26 created string date-time Eg.: 2020-07-11T06:39:57.490Z (UTC Format)
5.27 invoiceItems list List of items -
5.27.1 itemSku string Item SKU -
5.27.2 channelSku string Channel SKU -
5.27.3 sellerSku string Seller SKU code -
5.27.4 quantity integer Quantity -
5.27.5 unitPrice number Unit price -
5.27.6 sellingPrice number Selling price -
5.27.7 shippingCharges number Shipping charges -
5.27.8 shippingMethodCharges number Shipping charges -
5.27.9 cashOnDeliveryCharges number COD charges -
5.27.10 giftWrapCharges number Extra charges for the wrap -
5.27.11 prepaidAmount number Amount paid while ordering -
5.27.12 voucherValue number Voucher value -
5.27.13 storeCredit number Store credit -
5.27.14 subtotal number Sub-total -
5.27.15 total number Total amount -
5.27.16 discount number Discount amount -
5.27.17 vat number Value Added Tax -
5.27.18 cst number Central Sales Tax -
5.27.19 integratedGst integer Integrated GST -
5.27.20 unionTerritoryGst integer UT GST -
5.27.21 stateGst number State GST Default: 0
5.27.22 centralGst integer Central GST -
5.27.23 compensationCess integer Compensation cess -
5.27.24 additionalTax number Additional tax (if any) -
5.27.25 totalTax number Total tax -
5.27.26 taxPercentage number Tax percentage Default: 0
5.27.27 vatPercentage number VAT percentage -
5.27.28 cstPercentage number CST percentage -
5.27.29 integratedGstPercentage number IGST percentage -
5.27.30 unionTerritoryGstPercentage number UT GST percentage -
5.27.31 stateGstPercentage number State GST percentage -
5.27.32 centralGstPercentage number Central GST percentage -
5.27.33 compensationCessPercentage number Compensation cess percentage -
5.27.34 additionalTaxPercentage number Additional tax percentage -
5.28 return boolean true if return else false -
5.29 paymentDetail list Details of payment transaction -
5.29.1 paymentMode string Payment mode information e.g. COD, PREPAID
5.29.2 transactionId string Transaction Id information -
5.29.3 amountPaid number AmountPaid information -
5.30 tcsAmount number tcs amount -
5.31 gstEInvoiceDTO string gst EInvoice details -
5.32 ewbNo string Eway Bill Number -
5.33 ewbDate string Eway Bill Genration Date -
5.34 ewbValidTill string Eway Bill Valid up to Date -
5.35 gstNumber string gst Number -
5.36 invoiceLink string InvoiceLink -
5.37 irn string invoice reference Number -
5.38 ack_no string IRN acknowledgement Number -
5.39 ack_date string IRN acknowledgement date -
5.40 encodedInvoice string Encoded Invoice -
5.41 saleOrderMetadata string SaleOrderMetadata -
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