Post Inventory Update
This REST API is used to post changes in live inventory happening in Uniware to the markeplace. This method posts changes for only those SKUs whose inventory value has changed since last update.
It is recommended to check out Notes for the reader. You might find this helpful as it contains Guidelines for using API references and Terminologies used here.
Complete integration flow is available on Basic Overview page.
Basic Information
Usage: | Mandatory |
Frequency: | 10 minutes to post any inventory changes done on Uniware 2 minutes to post any inventory going out-of-stock on Uniware |
Endpoint: | /updateInventory |
Request Type: | POST |
Scheme: | HTTPS |
Header (Content-Type): | application/json |
Header (apiKey): | accessToken (got from Get Authentication) |
Request Payload
"inventoryList": [
"productId": "string",
"variantId": "string",
"inventory": "10",
"hsnCode": "string",
"facilityCode": "string"
Request Payload Details
1 | inventoryList | - | - | - | - |
1.1 | productId | string | Product ID of the product for which Inventory needs to be updated | Yes | - |
1.2 | variantId | string | Variant ID of the product for which Inventory needs to be updated | Yes | - |
1.3 | inventory | string | The stock count which needs to be updated on the Marketplace | Yes | - |
1.4 | hsnCode | string | 6 digit uniform code that classifies products worldwide | No | - |
1.5 | facilityCode | string | Channel wh code based on the Location Mapping at the channel connectors by the seller | No | - |
Response Payload
Following is the schema defined for the product resource in Unicommerce system. Which means this includes superset of all the fields and types that define a product for the Unicommerce. The partner is expected to follow this schema for each product information, to complete the transaction successfully.
"status": "SUCCESS",
"failedProductList": [
"productId": "string",
"variantId": "string",
"message": "string"
Response Payload Details
1 | status | string | Status of the request | Yes | Allowable: SUCCESS, FAILED, PARTIAL_SUCCESS |
2 | failedProductList | list | Required for bulk update, when inventory update for some products got failed | - | - |
2.1 | productId | string | Product ID of the products whose inventory update fails | Yes | Eg: 54353 |
2.2 | variantId | string | Variant ID of the products whose inventory update fails | Yes | Eg: 54353-2 |
2.3 | message | string | Reason for failure | Yes | Eg: Mismatch |
Error Codes
Refer Response Codes section to know about specific errors codes.
Q1. In this API’s Response Payload, what does Partial Success status mean?
Ans. Since inventory list is a list type, we can update the inventory status of more than one SKU at a time so it may be that some of these SKUs have successfully updated inventory count but some may not have which are then provided as the failed product list. Use SUCCESS status to handle the partial success cases also.
Q2. When is this API called?
Ans. It will be called for inventory delta basis. It posts changes for only those SKUs whose inventory value has changed since last update.
Q3. From where does this API pick the inventory count? What is the time difference after which the inventory sync is running at UC?
Ans. Inventory Sync takes place every 10 minutes. For out of stock scenarios, it happens under 2 minutes. Inventory Count is picked from the seller account on the particular MP.
Q4. Why is there a partial success error message, when all inventory updates will be for each SKU ID?
Ans. Partial Success use case is when any of the combination of Product ID and the Variant ID in the Request Payload array Post Inventory Update
fails to get updated at the MP’s end.
Q5. This API has a facility parameter. If any merchant is selling from multiple locations(warehouse/facility), and both have different quantities, then how can UC send this information to the MP?
Ans. UC will send the MP the updates for that particular SKU for all the locations that the seller has added them to in our system at channel connetore mapping. e.g. {“inventoryList”:[{“facilityCode”:“ChWhCode”,“productId”:“979”,“variantId”:“4726”,“inventory”:“514”}]},